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So far Anthony Bernbaum has created 132 blog entries.

Fake Liberty Knox silver frames

Over the the years I have had so many questions about fake Liberty frames I thought I would blog on the subject. As best I can tell Cymric Liberty silver frames “copying” a superb Knox mirror in the Virginia Museum of Fine Art were made in the US in the 1990’s in quite large numbers. These have very good, but fake, hallmarks and can easily deceive on that basis. Better to look at the relatively poor enamelling and quality of the silver work which are more obviously “wrong”. Quite helpfully an example is currently up at auction which includes the stamp “REPRO”, no doubt for “Reproduction”, honestly outing itself for what it is – though reproducing assays marks, or selling items with fake marks, in the UK is a serious criminal offence. See images.

2023-01-08T10:04:13+00:00January 3, 2023|News|

Phoebe Anna Traquair and The Artificers Guild

Reviewing the fabulous archive of the Artificers Guild held at The Goldsmiths’ Company Library, I found this wonderful watercolour for a pendant. Unmistakably a Phoebe Anna Traquair enamel and design, made by the Artificers Guild. A collaboration I believe previously unrecorded. Image courtesy of The Goldsmiths’ Company Lbrary. The original pendant “Out of the deep” can be seen at National Museums Scotland. See link

2022-08-17T14:41:25+01:00August 17, 2022|News|

Forthcoming talk on behalf of David Parr House

I would be delighted for you to join my Zoom talk on 21st July at 7pm. This has been organised by David Parr House, a relatively new and exciting Museum in Cambridge that is currently showcasing an exhibition on The Newton School of Metalwork, put together by David Marshall of Hammer and Hand. Information on David Parr House can be found at this link and tickets for my talk booked at this link.

2022-06-18T20:05:48+01:00June 18, 2022|News|
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