A Frans Zwollo copper and coral flower bowl

I am great admirer of the early Amsterdam School, most notably its leader Jan Eisenloeffel. They  took the prevalent art nouveau fashion and drew in influences of British arts and crafts, Indonesian (East Indies) culture and a good dose of their own modernism.  This copper flower bowl is by Frans Zwollo (1872-1945), who produced some stunning silver and copper pieces between c. 1900-1930.  See this link for more information on Zwollo (in Dutch).

This smallish bowl has a wonderful dark copper patina and is gilt lined.   It has removable cut out top to hold flowers.  The bowl and lid are set with small red “stones” which I believe are coral.  The organic, tactile design and coral setting is classic Zwollo.

Condition is excellent. The stone/coral to the lid may not be original.

Price: Sold

Maker: Frans Zwollo

Designer: Frans Zwollo

Date : c 1910

Marks: F Zwollo

Material: Copper, coral

Condition: Excellent.

Size: 11 cm max diameter, 9.5 cm height, with top

Weight : 230 grams, 8.1 oz

SKU: A631

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