A rare Kate Harris silver centrepiece or lidded cup for Connells

Price: Sold

For sale is this silver two handled cover cup or centrepiece, undoubtedly designed by Kate Harris.  The cup is marked for William George Connell, who would have retailed this piece, made by William Hutton and Sons.  The design is classic Harris art nouveau, with long stem, curved handles and classic art nouveau design to the lid.  A beautiful object.

The silver is in excellent original condition and a good gauge.

Kate Harris was Hutton’s  leading designer c 1898-1904, based in their London studio, and is famous for her distinctive British art nouveau style.

Maker:  WG Connell/William Hutton & Sons

Designer:  Kate Harris (attrib)

Date: 1901

Marks: WGC, London, f

Material: Sterling silver

Condition: Excellent

Size: 29 cm high, 24 cm wide across handles

Weight: 585 grams, 20.6 oz

SKU: A1069-1

Additional Information



Art nouveau, Arts and crafts